Montag, 30. September 2013

How to - Pizza with figs and goat cheese

Hi all,

as you know I love to go to the market to fill my home with tons of fresh fruit and veggies. At the moment you get fantastic figs everywhere. I used to fill a few of them with goat cheese and put them in the oven but I wanted to try something else so I decided to create my own fig pizza.

Here is what you need:
  • one pizza dough
  • 5-6 figs
  • cream cheese
  • goat cheese
  • rosemary, oregano, olive oil, salt, pepper
  • walnuts
  • arugula

Put the dough on the baking tray and cover it with cream cheese. I used "Petrella" which is very creamy. Wash the figs, slice them and put them on the Pizza. Cut the herbs very small and mix them with a bit olive oil. Use a kitchen brush to spread the herb-oil mix over the figs. Cover everything with goat cheese and put it in the oven. After it's done put walnuts and arugula on it.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Many greetings,

Sonntag, 29. September 2013

A Garden update

Hi all,

yesterday I spent a lot of time in my garden, try to make as much use of the sun as possible.

I counted again 13 new Zucchini - still small but soon to come. The green beans were not so many anymore and I've got planty of herbs and mint for the freezer. 

Our animals also enjoyed the sun outside.

Have a nice rest of the Weekend. Enjoy what is left :)

Samstag, 28. September 2013

A nice start in the Weekend

Hi all,

as you could guess from the title my weekend started very good. After walking the dog we went to the city center to go to the marked as usual on Saturdays. 
Today we decided to grab some food there so we went to the Bagels & Beans in Almere.
I love it there and usually this is what I get :)

A Salmon Bagel and a Matcha Latte together with some fresh juice. This time a Strawberry juice.

Besides getting tons of veggies and fruits I also bought some things for a selfmade muesli. I've got mais flakes, fresh roasted nuts and sunflower seeds and mixed it with some table spoons of Chia Seeds.

We also got some new Tea as we are running low. Since we stopped drinking coffee the consumption of tea raised a lot.
Here our all-time favorites and my fantastic tea pot I felt in love with during my vacation in France.

Isn't it sweet? THERE ARE CUPCAKES (!!!!) ON IT! Well, you get the point, I love it.

And at the end I was even able to get the new Vegan Fit Magazine, this time 2 for 1. What a day! hahahaha. Since I stopped eating meat I love this magazine as it shows so many fantastic receipts for vegitarians. As you can see, I covered them already in post it notes hahahaha.

Now I will use the sum and work a little bit in my garden. Count the Zucchini to come, get the last green beans in and see how the corn is doing. I also want to gather some herbs and mint to freeze them. I will share all this with you tomorrow so make sure you stop by :)

Have a nice Saturday,

Donnerstag, 26. September 2013

How to - Sweet Potato Fries

Hi all,

here a nice and quick recipe for some more than delicious Sweet Potato Fries.

You need:
  • 2-3 sweet potatoes
  • sea salt
  • pepper
  • fresh herbs
  • garlic
  • olive oil
Cut the sweet potatoes in small Fries. I usually put them in a bowl and put some sea salt, pepper and olive oil on it. Then I cut some fresh herbs (please use the one you like) and some garlic and put it on top of it. I mix it all together with my hands to make sure there are enough oil and herbs everywhere. Then you only have to spread them out on a baking tray and you can put in in the oven for 20-30 on 160-180 degrees. Take them out if they look golden and crispy.
I love it as a side dish, for example with a nice Burger or even with Fish.


Mittwoch, 25. September 2013


Hey all,

one of our local supermarkets publishes a monthly magazine with a lot of receipts in it - Allerhande. And the best: it's for free!
I usually can't wait until I get the new magazine in my hands. This month it is all about cakes.
Here I show you some impressions and surely you will find some of the results - made by me in a later post.

Uh, I can get so exciting about the little things.
But for now, please excuse me. I have the feeling I need to sit on my couch now, armed with a pot of tea, post its and markers hahahaha - only a dream as I still have to work today :)

Have a great day all!

Dienstag, 24. September 2013

Butterflies Part 1

Hi all,

I told you a few days ago I would like to share some more pictures I took form some beautiful Butterflies. So not much text today, the pictures may speak for themselves. 

Have a nice evening!

Samstag, 21. September 2013

Day out with the Dog - Wassenaar Dog Beach

Hi all,

I had a fantastic summer party with all my colleagues yesterday. That is how we started the day in the morning. *YUMMY*

But now back to the topic for today. As we do have a dog we want to take him with us everytime we do something. Ofcourse that is not always possible. Take the beaches here for example. On most of them dogs are not allowed between May and October. But there are some great exeptions to the rule. Wassenaar is one of them. First you walk a little bit through the dunes and then you have a huge part of the beach only for you. Normaly there are not so many people there.
But its beautyful, don't you think?

The only thing that I don't like about this beach is that you don't have a Bar/Cafe somewere. The first time we have been there we did not take anything to drink and could not get anything somewere. But well, you learn about your misstakes, don't you? :)

And Floris loves to be on the beach. He is running and sniffing and just looks so happy the entire time.

 I wish you all a nice Saturday. I will now go to the weekly market here and prepare a few posts later for the following week.

Many greetings,

Freitag, 20. September 2013

Unforgettable Summer Memories

Ina from what Ina Loves wants to know what our unforgettable summer moments are.
I love the Idea to bring these memories full of warm and bright sun back to mind as I had an amazing summer this year.

1st Memory: My Garden

For the first time this year I planted a lot of herbs but some veggies as well in my garden. While we were busy with cleaning out the back Yard and painting the shed in the spring we actually could get a lot of fresh greens out of the town. We had a lot of green beans and some corn. And soooo many Zucchini. I was happy every time I could gather something. In my eyes nothing tastes better then things you grew yourself. And as you can see I alsway had a great team of supporter around me. :)

2nd Memory: The Beach

As we don't live far from a few beautiful beaches we drove there every once in a while for just a nice long walk. Our dog Floris loves to be there too so we all had a great day.

3rd Memory: Butterflies

I love Butterflies. I cannot get enough from them. This small fragile creatures with that huge variety in size, shape and color. We have been in a few butterfly houses this summer and I loved it. I will write an extra post about that very soon.

Mittwoch, 18. September 2013

How to make: Green Asparagus

Hi all,

my working week is nearly over. Only one more day to go and on Friday we even have our Summer Party at my company. (so please don't wonder if you do not hear from me before the Weekend ;) ) I can't wait. Last year we had a nice mix of activities and food together with meeting all my colleagues from Europe. It was so much fun. I expect the same for this year.

But today I don't only want to tell you about the upcoming event, I also would like to let you know how easy and delicious you can prepare green Asparagus. 


The only things you need are:

Salt & Pepper
Olive oil

Put the Asparagus on the backing tray and just put a little oil, salt & pepper over it. I then put it in the oven for 20 - 30 min at 160°C.

 You should check in between and get it out as soon as it looks a little brown and chrispy.

I love it as a side dish. Last time we had it with self made sweet potato burgers. This receipt will follow soon.

Have a nice day,