Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014

Mexican Tortilla Pizza

Hi all,

today something simple, easy and fast.
After a long day at the office you would like to have something warm and easy to make. If this is the case you should try the Tortilla Pizza.

What you need:

  • 1 or 2 wheat tortillas
  • guacamole (bought or freshly made with avocado, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon juice)
  • kidney beans
  • 1 pepper of the color you like
  • 1-2 tomatoes
  • spring onions or a normal onion
  • a little bit of cheese
  • a little bit of marinaded tofu
How to do it:

You spread some of the guacamole on top of the tortilla. Put the rest of the incidences on top and cover it with cheese, don#t forget to use pepper and salt on top.
Put it in the oven for about 15 min (160°) and you are done.

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know as soon as you have tried it.
Many greetings,

Montag, 20. Januar 2014

Getting more and more into crocheting - new results

Hi all,

as I told you I got more and more into crocheting. 
First I made new scarfs for me and my boyfriend. They turned out very nice. Unfortunately it is not so cold right now so we can't really wear them.

But here is how they look like:

Also, I told you my sister is pregnant and I see more and more things I want to make for the new baby in the Family.

I did show you the first pair of shoes I made for her here.
Now I made this ones. I found an introduction Video on youtube. This was so helpful. I can not read patterns very well yet, but I am learning.
I think I will make another pair for a friend of mine who is expecting a baby next year as well.

I am still busy finishing my first project. I made a huge granny square blanked for one of our side boards in the living room. I had done all of the single granny squares already a while ago. (16 big ones and 156 small) but I still need to finish to sew them together - getting there soon I hope. I will show you the result as soon as I am done.

Another project (also for my sisters baby) will be super cute finger puppets.
I keep you posted :)

Remember to have a good time,

Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014

Project Life - Week 2 and 3

Hi all,

I already told you I started with my own Project Life.
Today I finished the entries for this and last week:

This week was very busy at work again.
But, I won 2 concert tickets of choice :) Woohoooo! I don't know yet were to go to but I am sure we will find something really cool.
Next week I will be in our Office in Munich for a few days. Maybe I can got to the center in the evening. But usually I am just to tired for this. We will see.

One morning I captured a beautiful sunrise and want to share the picture with you:
If you see this as soon as you get out the house. Usually I am a night person and really have problems getting in bed early and wake up early. But if I see this, I surely could be a morning person. Well, from time to time ;)

I hope you all have a great Sunday and a fantastic start in the new week.

Many greetings,

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

A walk on the beach

Hey all,

we had a very relaxed Weekend over here and today we went for a long walk to the beach. Here some pictures for you.

Have a great Sunday night all and a great start in the new week.

Samstag, 11. Januar 2014

Project Life, I am getting started

Hi all,

I decided to do my own Project Life this year. Not with all the expensive craft supplies you can order online. No, just with a notebook, a printer and some pens. I still have so much Scrapbooking supplies that I hardly need anything new.

So today I removed the dust from my Polaroid Pogo (thanks again Katja) and my Canon Selphy and started the printing. I just really need a printer cable for the Selphy as pictures that I edited can not be read by this printer if I use a SD card. So next week: get a printer cable.

Here is my first page from last week. I also started with this week but I am not finished jet.
So did you also start a Project Life folder/book? Maybe you are doing this already for years :) 
Well I hope I keep up with this. I always was a bad diary writer but I think one time per Week I can manage. 

And it encourages me to take more pictures again. This hobby I left a little bit behind the past weeks. I want to take more pictures again!!!!

Have a great Weekend you all.
Many greetings,

Freitag, 3. Januar 2014

New Tea

Hi all,

today I went to te Saturday market and realized there - it is only Friday. No booth to see. Hahahahahaha
I think my vacation was worth it. I am totally relaxed as you can see. And the best thing is, I have gained one more day before I have to start work again on Monday.

But being in the city center already we went to one of the biological supermarkets. I found this fantastic tea box:

We do drink a lot of tea as we stopped drinking coffee. I like to have different kinds of tea at home as I want to taste not only the same. And I love to try new things as well. But most often you have to buy one of the big bags immediately and if you don't like the taste you are stuck with it. Hari Tea sells the "Buddha Box" there you have one tea bag of each sort they have - 11 in total.
The tea is organic and in cotton tea bags.

I immediately tried "Mindscape" with the flavor of ginger and lemon grass. I love it. The taste is rich but not too strong. Just how I like it. I think with ginger you can easily get to much and then it gets to spicy for my taste and you hardly prove the other herbs. But this tea is a perfect composition. 

And no, this is not a sponsored post, just my opinion.
Have a great day,

Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014

Planting 2014

Hi all,

as you know I can hardly wait until I can start digging in the garden again.
Today I made a plan on what I want to plant. I will build a raised bed in a "u" shape and divide it into 7 pieces. It will have the following plants:

1) beans, small radish
2) tomatoes & onions
3) tomatoes & garlic
4) egg plant & peas
5) zucchini
6) carrots & fennel
7) bell pepper & chili

Besides this I will have corn in the small space and pumpkin in the front yard. I also will try potatoes in a tower.
Maybe I will even try to grow some salad in containers.

I will make a plan on when to start with the seeds. I think I will need one more of the small green houses I have. Like this one:

Also I may not forget to plant a lot of flowers around the garden. Last year we had a little less bees and ladybugs here. The first month will be covered with tulips and stuff but I need to decide what to plant next to it. And I am still thinking about the bug hotel :)

Here some flowers from last year:

Have a nice day all,

Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

Happy new Year

Hi all,

first of all I want to wish every one of you a fantastic year 2014!

We had a great new years eve with some family here. At 6.30 pm the electricity went down so this is how we ate here:

Romantic, isn't it? We were lucky not to have planned any warm food. So we could enjoy our pasta salad in candle light.
After about 3 hrs the electricity went back on. We already started playing some board games.

This is all very exhausting ;)

I hope you all had a nice evening as well. Take some rest today!